"Zeno of Citium (/ˈziːnoʊ/; Koinē Greek: Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς, Zēnōn ho Kitieus; c. 334 – c. 262 BC) was a Hellenistic philosopher from Citium (Κίτιον, Kition), Cyprus. He was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy, which he taught in Athens from about 300 BC. Based on the moral ideas of the Cynics, Stoicism laid great emphasis on goodness and peace of mind gained from living a life of virtue in accordance with nature. It proved very popular, and flourished as one of the major schools of philosophy from the Hellenistic period through to the Roman era, and enjoyed revivals in the Renaissance as Neostoicism and in the current era as Modern Stoicism.
Following the ideas of the Old Academy, Zeno divided philosophy into three parts: logic (a wide subject including rhetoric, grammar, and the theories of perception and thought); physics (not just science, but the divine nature of the universe as well); and ethics, the end goal of which was to achieve eudaimonia through the right way of living according to Nature. Because Zeno's ideas were later expanded upon by Chrysippus and other Stoics, it can be difficult to determine precisely what he thought.
In his treatment of logic, Zeno was influenced by Stilpo and the other Megarians. Zeno urged the need to lay down a basis for logic because the wise person must know how to avoid deception. Cicero accused Zeno of being inferior to his philosophical predecessors in his treatment of logic, and it seems true that a more exact treatment of the subject was laid down by his successors, including Chrysippus.Zeno divided true conceptions into the comprehensible and the incomprehensible, permitting for free-will the power of assent (sinkatathesis/συνκατάθεσις) in distinguishing between sense impressions."
來自塞浦路斯基騰(Κίτιον, Kition)的澤諾(Zeno of Citium,Koinē Greek: Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς, Zēnōn ho Kitieus;約公元前334年至前262年)是一位希臘化時期的哲學家。他是斯多葛哲學學派的創始人,並從大約公元前300年開始在雅典教授。斯多葛學派基於犬儒學派的道德思想,極力強調從過著符合自然的美德生活中獲得的善良與內心平靜。
遵循古學院(Old Academy)的觀點,澤諾將哲學分為三個部分:邏輯學(包括了修辭學、語法學以及感知和思想的理論這一廣泛的學科);自然哲學(不只是科學,還包括了宇宙的神聖本質);以及倫理學,其最終目標是通過按照自然的正確生活方式來達到幸福(eudaimonia)。由於澤諾的觀點後來被克里希帕斯(Chrysippus)和其他斯多葛學者所擴充,要確切地判斷他具體的思想是有困難的。
"Happiness is a good flow of life."
"No one entrusts a secret to a drunken man; but one will entrust a secret to a good man; therefore, the good man will not get drunk."
"All the good are friends of one another."
所有的好人都是彼此的 朋友。
"We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say."
"No evil is honorable; but death is honorable; therefore death is not evil."
"A bad feeling is a commotion of the mind repugnant to reason, and against nature."
"That which exercises reason is more excellent than that which does not exercise reason; there is nothing more excellent than the universe, therefore the universe exercises reason."
"Seeing that the universe gives birth to beings that are animate and wise, should it not be considered animate and wise itself?"